
Brock University Survey: What are your child’s strengths? 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

Brock University Survey: What are your child’s strengths?

Brock University, Disability Studies Department is conducting a study to understand the strengths that caregivers see in their 10 to 17 years old children on the autism spectrum. The study is an online survey that will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Below is our recruitment poster for additional details. Interested caregivers can click on the study link HERE or email Kevin Yu at

The York ASD Partnership is changing its name! 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

The York ASD Partnership is changing its name!

Beginning January 15, 2024 our new name will be the 

York Community Autism Partnership (YCAP) 

A New Name for a New Year!   

The former York ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Partnership is very excited to announce our new name 


York Community Autism Partnership.  

As an organization that promotes positive awareness of Autism and is responsive to our community, our new name, the York Community Autism Partnership reflects respect for people with Autism and emphasizes our collaborative community work to enhance the system of supports for people with Autism and their families in York Region. 

Why this subtle change?  

There is a growing discontent amongst self-advocates with Autism, their families and many professionals with the use of the term “disorder” with respect to this neuro-diversity. While Autism Spectrum Disorder remains the official diagnosis in the DSMV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version V), many people feel that referring to someone as “disordered” in everyday interactions diminishes and disrespects their strengths and abilities and negatively emphasizes the challenges  experienced by people with Autism.

Positive Mental Health Study for Youth with Intellectual Disability 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

Positive Mental Health Study for Youth with Intellectual Disability

This is an online study from York University. We are looking for Canadian youth (ages 13 to 21) with a diagnosis of intellectual disability. We are also looking for their parents or caregivers to participate.

This is a one-time study where youth can take part in a Zoom interview, and/or parents can complete online questionnaires. Compensation is provided.

This research will help us to better understand well-being and mental health for youth with intellectual disability!

Interested in participating?

Please email:

Study Website:


Facebook Page:  PMH Study Facebook Page

Research Opportunity with York University for Parents of Children 8-13 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

Research Opportunity with York University for Parents of Children 8-13

Do you have a child between 8-13 years of age with a neurodevelopmental disability?

We invite you to participate in a research study:

Secret Agent Society: Operation Regulation – Virtual Trial What is the research about? This study aims to evaluate whether a cognitive behavioural intervention, Secret Agent Society: Operation Regulation, can help youth with neurodevelopmental conditions cope with their emotions and handle the day-to-day stressors in their lives. By neurodevelopmental conditions, we mean a diagnosis of autism, a learning disability, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or cerebral palsy. What does participation involve?

Participating involves weekly virtual sessions where you and your child will meet with a trained therapist for one-on-one therapy. Your child will get to do an assortment of activities and play games (e.g., computer games, problem solving tasks, and role playing). The activities are aimed to help build emotion regulation skills and help with their mental health. You and your child will also participate in research to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. There is no cost to the program.

I’m interested! What next? For more information, please contact or Dr. Jonathan Weiss, Principal Investigator on the study, at

Limited space is available, so families will be contacted on a first come, first serve basis

York University Logo
Medical Appointments – Additional Resources 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

Medical Appointments – Additional Resources

Young boy getting his eyes checked by a doctor.

This Word documents includes additional resources to support medical appointments.

Mental Health Literacy Guide for Autism 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

Mental Health Literacy Guide for Autism

This Mental Health Literacy Guide for Autism was developed out of a desire to increase awareness, knowledge and acceptance around issues relevant to the mental health of Autistic adults. Download a PDF copy.

My Medical Appointment / Reason For Today’s Visit 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

My Medical Appointment / Reason For Today’s Visit

Young boy getting his eyes checked by a doctor.

This is a tool for individuals with ASD and their parents/caregivers to use at each appointment with a health care professional to improve the quality of each visit. The Word version can be customized or the PDF version can be submitted electronically.

Caring for Your Patient with Autism Spectrum Disorder 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

Caring for Your Patient with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Young child with autism getting a check-up from his doctor.

This one page form provides essential information about an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder to any health care professional (HCP).  The form has been carefully designed to be read quickly by the (HCP). The goal is to allow the HCP to focus on the most important information to make your visits as stress-free and positive as possible. The form is available as an electronically fillable PDF form or as a Word document that can be edited.

Transitioning Together 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

Transitioning Together

In early 2021, the York ASD Partnership was successful in their application and received a grant from Autism Speaks Canada.  The primary focus of this grant Is to provide the “Transitioning Together” program to transitional age youth with ASD and their families living in York Region.

Transitioning Together is an eight session program developed Dr. Leann Dewalt Smith at the University of Wisconsin to empower individuals with ASD and their families to successfully manage the transition from children’s to adult services. Four member agencies of York ASD Partnership participated in this project: Kerry’s Place Autism Services, Community Living York South, York Support Services and Centre for Behavioural Sciences-MacKenzie Health.  Staff from each agency participated in “train-the-trainer” sessions provided by Dr. Dewalt Smith and her colleague, Kate Szidon.  These staff will then provide the training to 40 families over the next six months. 

Research on the efficacy of this training is being conducted by Dr. Priscilla Burnham Riosa and her colleague, Shona Mills at Brock University.  Results of this research should be available in late 2021.   Of course, Covid-19 has impacted this initiative as it has so many supports and services by requiring that all training be delivered virtually.  This has presented many challenges to trainers and participants but has also presented many opportunities. 

Updates on this project and the results of the research will be posted throughout the project.

ASD – Access Pathway 150 150 York Community Autism Partnership

ASD – Access Pathway


This bookmark tool outlines the access pathway to services for those seeking supports for the first time.  Based on the individual’s age and whether or not there is an existing diagnosis, the pathway provides contact information for the most appropriate “gateway” agency.  Please note that services can change at any time and this tool is accurate as of November 2019. However, any of the “gateway” agencies will offer assistance in contacting the most appropriate support.

Download the Access to Services map here.

Let's get started.

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